Amidst a global pandemic, we're currently living conditioned and half-hearted, as our freedom, plans, dreams, social life, even jobs, have all been temporarily cancelled, postponed or are at risk.
But each one of us, and together as a whole, have been patient, resilient and optimistic, and doing all the best we know and can, in order to return to our normal lives, which hopefully will start to gradually happen going forward.
For the first time, maybe ever, anyone, anywhere in the world, can not only read the above paragraphs, but also identify with its description. We are going through something, all together and at the same time, and we're all under similar circumstances or, at least, our lives are somehow being influenced by it.
Humankind is connected as never before. The information and technological revolution that our generation witness, is the culmination of an age of discoveries and scientific advances that was initiated with Magellan's voyage, which for the first time brought the entire world together.
Between 2019 and 2022, we're not just celebrating 500 years of Magellan's expedition, we're celebrating 500 years of globalisation.
In honour of the route taken by Ferdinand Magellan and his men, I plan to travel by motorcycle, following an approximate trajectory and trying to be as faithful to it as possible. With that in mind, I have named this project FIRST ROUND, taking in consideration my first round (rtw) is celebrating the First Round.
Magellan died in the Battle of Mactan (Philippines) on the 27th of April 1521, and to mark this date, I'm planning to depart from Sevilla on the same day.
*UPDATE - (due to COVID restrictions, departure was on the 23rd of May 2021).
On the 6th of September 1522, Sebastian Elcano and the remaining crew of 18 men arrived back in Spain, where they initially set sail from, 3 years earlier.
I'm planning to arrive on this same day, 500 years later.
-Updates will be posted on the LogBook page, and all is subject to change-